Karine Constant

Associate professor in Economics

Welcome to my webpage

About me

I am currently Associate Professor (maîtresse de conférences) in Economics at Université d'Orléans and LEO (Laboratoire d'Economie d'Orléans) .

My main research interests are in Environmental Economics and Macroeconomics, with a focus on the mutual interactions between the environment, economic growth and inequalities as well as on the consequences of environmental policies on these dimensions. Particular channels examined include health, human capital, population and international trade.

My current collective responsibilities include, being project manager of the University of Orléans on the Madeleine project (real estate project aimed at housing the faculty of Law, Economics, and Management in the heart of Orléans), co-director of the Master International Economics (M1 and M2), within the Orléans School of Economics (University of Orléans), and member of the steering committee of the FAERE (French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) as the representative of the young researchers.

CV:   English    Français


Main research interests:  Environmental Economics and Macroeconomics
Details:   Environmental policy, Growth, Inequality, Human capital, Health, Population, International trade


The European renewable energy sector in calm and turmoil periods : The key role of sovereign risk, with M. Davin, G. de Truchis and B. Keddad, Energy Journal, Forthcoming. [Download] [Working paper version]

Pollution, Children's Health and the Evolution of Human Capital Inequality, with M. Davin, Mathematical Social Sciences, 112, 9-25, 2021. [Download] [Working paper version]

Unequal Vulnerability to Climate Change and the Transmission of Adverse Effects through International Trade, with M. Davin, Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(2), 727-759, 2019. [Download] [Working paper version]

Environmental Policy and Human Capital Inequality: A Matter of Life and Death, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 97, 134-157, 2019. [Download] [Working paper version]

Environmental Policy and Growth when Environmental Awareness is Endogenous, with M. Davin, Macroeconomic Dynamics 23(3), 1102-1136, 2019. [Download] [Working paper version]

Environmental Quality, Growth and Inequalities: The Specific Role of Health, with N. Raffin, Revue Française d’Économie, XXXI(3), 2017 (in french). [Download]

Population Growth in Polluting Industrialization, with C. Nourry and T. Seegmuller, Resource and Energy Economics, 36(1), 229-247, 2014. [Download]


Université Orléans

Environmental economics: Master 1 in International Economics (english, 2023-)
Development economics: 3rd year undergraduates - Bachelor in International Economics (english, 2022-)
European economic environment: Master 1 in Applied Foreign Languages LAME and LACI (english, 2022-)
Global value chain - introduction to globalization: 2nd year undergraduates - Joint Bachelor in Economics and Law (2022-)
Labor economics: 3rd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Economics and Management (2022-)
Statistics: 1st year undergraduates - Bachelor in Management (2022-)

Université Paris Est Créteil

International economics and the Environment: Master 1 in International Management - Applied Foreign Languages (2020-2022)
Environmental economics: Master 1 in International Economic Studies and Master Applied Economics (2018-2021)
Applied mathematics: 2nd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Applied Foreign Languages (2018-2020)
Economic policy analysis: 2nd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Applied Foreign Languages (2016-2022)
International economics: 3rd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Applied Foreign Languages (2016-2022)

Université Paris Nanterre

Macroeconomics: 1st year undergraduates - Bachelor in Economic and social administration (2014-2015)
Microeconomics: 2nd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Economic and social administration (2014-2015)

Aix-Marseille Université

Probability: 2nd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Economics and management (2011-2014)
Statistics: 1st and 2nd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Economics and management (2011-2014)
Mathematics: 1st year undergraduates - Bachelor in Economics and management (2012-2013)
Macroeconomics: 1st and 2nd year undergraduates - Bachelor in Economics and management (2010-2012)


Address    Université d'Orléans - FDEG
Rue de blois BP 26739
45067 Orléans cedex - FRANCE

E-mail    constant.karine "at" gmail.com   or    karine.constant "at" univ-orleans.fr

Curriculum Vitae    English     Français

Links to co-authors    Marion Davin, Gilles De Truchis, Amélie Guillin, Benjamin Keddad, Emmanuelle Lavaine, Carine Nourry, Anthony Paris, Sarah Pouey, Natacha Raffin and Thomas Seegmuller.